Since we've posted the questions surrounding 2Pac's death.. we've received hundreds of responses.. The first day there were over 200 responses alone. Most people attributed 2Pac's death to either Biggie Smallz or someone from Bad Boy...Of course that whole thing has been caterogically denied by both Biggie and Puffy.. In fact Mr Smallz has a few problems of his own to deal with.. including a possible 18 year jail sentence if he's convicted for possession of drugs..
While the Bad Boy camp remains out of the picture and continues to keep a low profile.. the rest of the rap world has become fascinated with the east/west coast controversy that them in Death Row were associated with... This was reflected in tons of letters.

The other popular theory surrounding 2Pac's death is that he was set up by someone within his camp.. Many claimed that they felt Death Row CEO Suge Knight was somehow involved... Either he actually set Pac up or he was the intended target with 2Pac being caught in the crossfire... Of course Suge has expressed deep remorse for the killing of his 'road dawg' 2Pac.. and has since kept a relatively low profile....

Finally we have the whole '2Pac is Alive Theory.. We received over 400 letters on this one... Most were intigued by PJ's rundown... However many other pointed out the obvious flaws...

A suprising amount of people wrote letters of hate.. We recieved more then a few letters froms folks claiming they were happy 2Pac got killed.. Some said he deserved it because he instigated a lot of stuff.. Many recited the old law... 'live by the sword die by the sword... Needless to say those letters were a bit disheartening ... After all, no one deserves to die a violent death..

Whatever, the case it'll be interesting to see how this whole drama plays itself out.. Hopefully we all learn from 2Pac's death.. Hopefully we move onto a better place where peace is the rule of thumb... and violence is rarity... Below are a sampling of the many letters we've recieved.. Thanks to all who have particpated and visited the memorial.

It's funny you should mention that...when I heard what had happened, I had the same theory. But the reason LVPD didn't say anything is because he's got them in his pocket along with Compton PD.

I kinda think it's a publicity stunt..I mean it makes sense!


Do you still think that your Machiavelli theory will come to light, or since Suge has now spoken, has that changed your mind. Do you think Tupac is hiding out underground until his appeal comes to trial, or maybe he really did get shot and is recovering in private somewhere????

Let me know where you now stand


I think tupacs murder is a conspiracy and we will never know the whole thing is like some type of movie. i just have questions such as why was it not revealed that there was someone else in that car besides tupac and suge and why if tupac always were a vest did he not have one on that night and when he tried to get in the back seat as the shots were fired was he shielding whomever that was in the back of the car and why is yo yo still speaking of pac as if he is still alive ?


Well, I believe, without a shadow of a doubt, that 2pac was shot by someone who was obviously jealous of, either, his money or his talent. I also believe that he was set up by Suge Knight. Because look @ the situation here: drivin' down a very busy street in Las Vegas with an entourage, someone drives on the side of the car and shoots specifically @ him, and tries to cover it up by GRAZING Suge's head. Nobody tries to shoot back or anything? C'mon, something is definitely fishy here. Although it would not have been a wise thing to shoot back at the person/people who shot at 2pac because of innocent bystanders, that's just a reality of what really would have happened, had this not been set up by Mr. Knight.

I think that his death is a partial wake up call to people, as a whole. I say partial because some people still are going to believe that they're invincible until something happens to them or close to them. But, on the other hand, his death is a wake up call to people to let them know that bullets don't have names and they DO kill.

That's neither here nor there @ this point. That's basically just another black man lost to violence. Unnecessary violence, at that. May 2pac rest in peace.

Please stop the violence.
A faithful listener always,
Dawn in Richmond, CA first i thought dude [PJ] was on some shit nobody should ever smoke cuz he seems p-noid to the 3rd degree. But as I read on...some sense was born. However, 2pac's "mackevelli" project is an EP's worth of shit not an album...he has no more albums coming out...but those movies "Gang Related" and "Gridlock" are gonna rock the box office like Michael Jordan's Cartoon Shit, no question, but it still wouldn't be enough loot to kill yourself over. 2Pac can make way more loot alive than dead. If he released an album every year on Death Row they all goin' double, quadruple, 5 & 6 times platinum. That's yearly !!! Compared to one EP and 2 flicks...count the future flicks he could've done like The Hughes Bros' "Menace II Society 2"..Pac was supposed to star in the first one anyway. He worth way more alive than dead. And Suge is not gonna get his #1 money maker offed ! 2Pac sold more albums (5 milion & rising) on Death Row than Snoop (3 1/2 milion), Dre (3 million), and Tha Dogg Pound. Why isn't Snoop dead if that's the case. Dre left The Row and he ain't dead. I just hope Wes Coast kids don't use this as an excuse to bring drama at the rap sheet convention in holltwood next month.

~*The Chicago Pro (Griffen'96)*~

Here's my theory. Yes Tupac's death = money, but I think he was probably trying to leave Death Row like every body else on the label is, and Suge was not hearin' it (it was reported that Tupac's lawyer was the samelawyer for Death Row, and Tupac fired his ass less than a week before he was shot. I think Suge planned his death, so he could drop this new Tupac album Macchiveli (which last week someone from Death Row said will drop in November. I didn't catch his name, but he said it on WPEG Power 98 in Charlotte N.C.)

It looks to me that Suge wants to put this album out, expecting everybody in the world to but 3 copies because of the fact that this is the last work Tupac did, and he knows that he is going to make a killing on this, probably 6 or 7 million copies, and this time he won't have to give Tupac his share of the profits, because Tupac is Dead. All the more money for Suge. It just doesn't add up. The album just happens to be ready to drop in November, 2 months after Tupac's death, and we all know how slow Death Row is about putting out albums. Yet this one is ready to go, The first single is already being played here in Charlotte, it's called Toss it up, and it has K-CI and JO-JO on it again, and then there is the new I ain't mad at 'cha video where Tupac is dead and in heaven. Probably thought up by Suge. This is just my opinion, I'm not saying it's fact, but it just all seems too convenient, especially when 4 shots find there way to Tupac's chest but none hit a 300 plus pound target named Suge Knight, sitting right next to him. Tell me what you think of my theory.


I think it could possibly, and I do mean POSSIBLY be 1 of 2 things. 1 it could be the east/west conftontation w/ badboy but I doubt they would take it that far (although I couldnt rule it out completely) or 2 something to do with dre. What?!? yeah dre. In the sept. issue of the source suge knight said some pretty risque things about dre and everything he stands for and from what i understand they were out for suge which just makes me go hmmmmmmm you know.


I think that this theory is absurd for a number of reasons

1) Why would a hospital, who confirmed his death, go along with such a scandle? Money. (not !!!)

2) How come someone so public such as Tupac pretend to die and re-appear? It could never happen.

3) As for motive, money, I don't think so. Do you know how much time could be served for insurance fraud? I don't believe he was that stupid. Especially since he had money.

Now I would go with you on the record sell theory, I could see that. But given all the other points I made, I really believe that he is dead, let's let him rest, please.

That shit sounds good for some new hip hop flick, but you gotta remember Tupac was visited by some famous celebrities including Jesse Jackson. I dont think Jesse Jackson would want to involve himself in some stupid conspieracy like that. Tupac is dead.


I also want to know why the 10 cars didn't follow the alleged shooters, but I think you are trying to pull a publicity stunt by saying Tupac ain't dead.

Listen , we don't need an Elvis citing thing going on here . Whatever you thought about Tupac, just let him die in peace.

word Dtemp

I think the theory is wack!!!! How are you going to get the cracker doctors in Las Vegas to report to the media that Tupac is dead? That ain't gonna happen, what's in it for them? Nothing except loosing their licence to practice medicine, once Tupac resurfaces under a new name. Tupac is dead!!! The real focus should be on determining why he's dead and prosecuting the individual(s) responsible, not on some ludicrous myth that Tupac is chillin' on some exotic island with Suge. For all we know Suge "could" be the one responsible for Tupac's death.


For real, man, I been thinking the same thing. I mean, I hope it was a situation like Elvis's and shit. I don't think Elvis is alive, but you know what I mean. That would be a fucked up stunt, but shit I kinda wish it were true. I thought the same thing--why didn't the shitload of bodyguards chase them, and yeah I heard a song on the radio a few weeks back by "Makavelli." The "Outlaw Immortalz" all have names like Kadahfi and Mussolini--very radical militarists. Machiavelli was a, I believe Russian ruler, who was known for his military shit. I don't really remember what he did, cuz I studied in it Government two years ago, but I don't think he was fuckin' looked up to by his people. Also, I heard on the radio that they weren't going to have a public memorial service for him because "there isn't a place big enough to hold all the people that want to go see it." I also found it ironic as fuck how he always rapped about his out death, "...thug livin' 'til we die..." and "live my life as a thug nigga, 'til the day I die...." etc. I also read in the paper that he shot the video to "I Ain't Mad At 'Cha" and he acted out his own death of him getting shot after leaving a, Vegas I believe, nightclub. Strange shit man. Like I said, I wish he wasn't dead, but that sure is hell would be a fucked up stunt. Plus I heard Jesse Jackson was praying with PAC's mom and that would be even more messed up to play that bullshit on them. To do that would just be going too far, but ironically I kinda hope and wish that they did go too far. Unlikely, but shit, who wants to face the fact that one of hip-hop's legends, is in fact now just a legend.

Steve Moreno
Salinas, CA

I strongly believe that the infamous Mobb shot Tupac. The overall fact that he dissed Prodigy and he was Quite upset about it and he stated that he was going to handle it


What's up man, you know I was wondering the same things about why there was no footage of 2pac in the amblance or in the hospital or something. And, he does talk about death A LOT in his songs as if he WAS forshadowing the future. As much as I wish he was still alive, I do belive he's dead and please let him rest in peace. And don't make this 2pac death the same as Elvis Prestly's death. I don't want to hear about "2pac sightings".

A tupac fan!
Sal Qaqish (toronto)

I think it is dangerous for us to sit around and theorize about who murdered Tupac Shakur. There are those who will point to Biggie and blame Tupac's death on that East Vs. West nonsense. But the truth is, we may never know who killed this man.

Suffice it to say that the perpetrator was ruthless and a coward. No one desrves to die that kind of violent death, and we do not need to open the floodgates which would allow for a bloodbath of more young brothers.

My heart is heavy, and I hope that our black youth realize that none of us is immortal. Prior to his death Tupac had said that he was tired of the "The Thug Life" but that it was the only life he knew. This is the tragedy of this situation.

As we remember and honor our fallen brother let us not judge him too harshly, or sugarcoat his memory. Let us learn from his brief and troubled time on this earth.

Marla Shepard

Yo,straight up,either notorious Big or Mobb Deep shot him because 2pac was talkin so much fuckin shit. He deserved to get bucked down,not that deaths are something to be happy about ...but shit,that's one less punk[ that had his facts twisted] that we need to worry about.-kero one.


I too believe that Tupac is not dead! However, if he is, this is just another example of Black on Black crime. Your theory is quite thought provoking, PJ. How do you think that the public will feel if Tupac is not dead. Do you think that they have a right to feel wronged. I really hope that he is not dead. If he wanted to get out of the game bad enough to orchestrate his own death, he deserves a fresh beginning.


I think Notorious B.I.G. set 2 Puc up, because of the disagreements between them and that west side east side stuff.

I think it was some local thugs that 2pac got into it with at the fight. That's why nobody is saying anythig because it's someone that lives in that area.


Davey D

Are you the same Davey D from New Orleans? (editor-NO... This is Davey D from the Bronx NY...and now residing in the Bay Area.. the Davey D you speak of is up in Sacremento.. ) If so, you know one of my homies really well, Jeff B.

Anyway, my name is Lawrence and I feel that the death of 2Pac is very tragic. I compare, as sorts, to the death of Curt Cobain last year. 2Pac may not have been liked by all, but he was loved by many. His musical talents were second to none, and I feel that he was only beginning to show his musical talents.

His life to me, though, was confusing at best. He wrote inspirational songs like "Keep Yo' Head UP," and violent songs like "Thug Life." Many times, I did not know which message he wanted to exude.

I read the interview he had with Kevin Powell in Vibe magazine and it really touched me. The interview let me know that this was one bright, confused, terrified, and misunderstood young brother.

Through all the cursing he did and all the trouble that he got into, one thing is certain: Tupac Shakur was one musically talented black man who will be missed.

"DJ Mudfoot"
AKA Lawrence J. Shorten

There really is NO Valid reason why. But I believe that he had created enough enemies to choose any of them. But I also think that, and this may sound ridiculous, Suge Knight may have had a hand in it. Who has more to gain from TuPac dying???? You know how an artist sales go through the roof if/when they die.......But realistically, I believe it had to be the same people that shot him the first time. IF it was Biggie and Bad Boy, then so be it. It really seems to only amount to jealousy, because TuPac was/is larger than ALL of them (except Snoop), regardless of whether you like his messages or not......Freedom of Speech was one of the rocks this country was founded on.......9 Bullets for yapping his mouth????? What a COWARD's way to do things..............


On the real, I've been investigating this 2Pac murder myself. To get all the bullsht out the way first, it was not Biggie. For what I know from the inside line, Biggie is either still in jail or on some type of house arrest for getting caught with abundant trees and automatic weapons last month. True, he could have set it up, but why? He already got 2pac shot the first time, and there was no physical retaliation by Pac, so it was no need to escalate the violence any further besides in lyrical form.

Now on the real, I feel Mobb Deep may have had something to do with it. Straight up Queensbridge don't play that dissanigga shit. Pac was wrong to spit out Prodigy's health condition with Sickle Cell all out on his album making fun of that shit. Da 41st don't play that shit. The Mobb got the niggas, the money, and the fire power to accomplish some shit like that. That's just a thought!!!

Finally, I definitely know Suge had something to do with that. A ten car entourage, but only Pac dies. Then, Suge only gets grazed, and out of ten cars and a drive-by in Vegas, no bystanders or other Death Row niggas (the one's in da cars) get hurt. It's a straight set-up performed by Knight.


Dear PJ,

Hi my name is Jennifer and I recently read your theory on the Tupac death. It sounds really wild, but do you seriously think this could happen. Madd hits was out on Tupac. I personaly think that Biggie had something to do with it. If he didn't do it personaly that he paid madd loot to kill Tupac. As for the media not getting pictures or any film is kinda strange considering they always have something. Your story did get me thinking that you might be right, cause of his last film video. It has him getting killed almost like he did, and that shit is fucked up. So if he really is dead he went out the way he wanted it. Being a Thug for Life. I do have to give him madd props though cause he was one of my favorites even though he dissed us out hea in New York. Well guess I'll see him at the crossroads..................

Peace. Jennifer

Well, i don't specially appeal 1pac's violently pimpologic lyrics thus i like the music itself and i came 2 the conclusion that yur theory can perfectly be true as a cover-up 4 1pac's anticipated retirement in the mist of the loot.I mean i guess he probably has enough money 2 enjoy permanent pleasure in a house at the mountain w/ 10 royal oats or relish the sea sex and hop&roll scene at NE beach site especially when the death policy allows him 2 collect a substantial amount 4 x-tra hobbies (collection of lex. and old cads.or naomi campbell in a bunny suit....hey who knows...)Another interesting view is suge night's stay in Florida....a convalescence trip or another mystic cause?All those inconsistencies in the story that (not to forget) has been broadcasted worldwide show a lack of genuine proofs 2 really mourn 4 some nigga that has presumably been shot dead.

I am based in bangkok thailand, am not black but am interested in this issue not because of my love 2 black folks (females to be precise) and not because i'm a long time media sucking wannabe but because it's a case that shocked a lot of people including here.I mean seing him stating some bullshit about talkie-walkie surveillance a few days before....i could worry the least 4 him because of his paranoia 4 another drive-by or stick-up and will 2 live in NE means....(hmmm...maybe another forecast of his dissapeirance...) It's like telling 20 million people that he's gonna vanish suddenly and cover it w/ a homicide towards himself...

OK it is certainly intelligent and versatile 4 a gringo that popped the charts w/ multiple albums and appearances in movies (poetic justice was nice) to get rid of the law, the media ,and the groupies(although he'd like 2 keep a few in the warehouse) by letting his compadres conceal the truth (if he's really leisuring in between brown sugar shacks) but if NE 1 finds out the truth, he'd better really ask the crips or wathever 2 drive-by his scrotum before ne unhappy tantrumised folk ends his misery in a real fashionable way...

Therefore,unless i get a clear image of his blue fading face in a coffin w/ a mobile on his lap and w/ the whole family dripping tears on his fila's & pimp tuxedo,i'll be as sceptical as ross perot about his succesion to the presidential throne.....

I'd like this e-mail 2 be published 2 add up in yur very interesting post investigation so that we can all see if he's really dead as bruce lee or if he'll poppup out of the blues w/ a "Nostradamus" double lp where he'll be euloging his life as a fraud.



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